The Story behind Rescued by Miriam Newman

The Story behind Rescued by Miriam Newman

Rescue Dogs

Once upon a time, there was a lonely lady and a dog scavenging for garbage.  If you know anything about rescue work, you don’t have to be told what happened next.

“Rescued” is the true story of my first rescue, Dancer, the whippet-pit bull mix I adopted after my husband died.  Little did I know what I was getting into.  My dog off the streets was delighted to be in a house—that is, if she didn’t destroy it first.  She liked having a cat—preferably for dinner.  She didn’t like her crate, and that’s a whole ‘nother story.

She left my life, my house and my heart in a state of demolition and rebuild.  Yes, a dog can rebuild your heart.

Today, in between writing books and running a small horse farm, I foster rescue dogs.  This book is devoted to them and to the many wonderful people—too many to name—who work in rescue.  And in transport.  And in foster care, adoptions, veterinary medicine.  They are unsung heroes, each and every one of them.

Dancer opened up a whole new world to me and I have never been sorry.  When my nerves are frazzled, my heart broken because there was one I couldn’t save…when the furniture is chewed and somebody has decided my bed is a good place to mark their territory…even then, or especially then, I am rescued.

In the love for these broken dogs we have chosen to dedicate our lives to, we find ourselves.

And so I have written a little story.  I hope you will enjoy it.

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