CLASS: Social Media Basics: Twitter & Facebook Page 101

 CLASS: Social Media Basics: Twitter & Facebook Page 101

Permission to Forward Granted and Appreciated!

Sponsored by the Scriptscene Chapter of RWA

Instructor: Denise Alicea

Dates: May 11-16, 2015

Cost: Scriptscene Members – Free option or $10; RWA Members $15, Non-RWA $20

FMI and Payment Info:

NOTE: Classes are held on Yahoo! Groups, the Scriptscene FastTrack Workshops listserve. Students will be invited to the loop and must then follow instructions to complete their subscriptions. Students cannot be directly added.

Class Information

Social Media Basics:

Twitter & Facebook Page 101

Keeping up and learning about social media is not always an easy task. Learn how to set up both a Twitter and Facebook business page. Learn your way around both platforms to start your social media journey.

Day One: Welcome and Intro into Twitter and Facebook

–          Setting up Twitter

–          Setting up a Facebook business page

Day Two: Twitter

–          What is twitter?

–          How does twitter work?

–          Staying within those 140 characters

–          Hash tags

–          Setting up your profile with images.

Day Three: Facebook

–          What is a business/ fan page?

–          About page information

–          What apps can I add?

–          Can I cross post?

–          What do I post?

–          Responding to comments, etc.

Day Four: How to manage your new Accounts

–          Posting to pages

–          Setting up a schedule to post.

–          Tips and tricks to get images.

Day Five: Questions

About the Presenter
Denise Alicea – An RWA member since 2005, Denise has served the board of Celtic Hearts, Hearts Through History, and Scriptscene.  As an Award Winning author, she always tries to find time to help contests and chapters alike through volunteering.  Denise has her Bachelors in Marketing and PR and an MFA in Creative Writing.