New Release: Zoey’s First Adventure

Zoey’s First Adventure

Purchase: Amazon / Barnes and Noble 


Zoey has always been a lazy dog. Her greatest adventure had been deciding if she’ll stretch out on the couch or curl up in the recliner. But now her family needs her. Will she be able to meet the challenges put before her or will she run scared back to the sanctuary of her home?

Author’s Note
I really hope you enjoy Zoey’s story. Yes she’s real, as are Aaron and Kailey. Kailey is my niece and as a young girl she asked me to write a book that she could read. She is now a beautiful young adult attending college. I dedicate this book to her and my son Aaron whom have grown up and are both achieving their dreams. I’m so proud of you both.

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for Dark Child by Miriam Newman!

Goddess Fish Promotions is organizing a Virtual Book Blast Tour for Dark Child by Miriam Newman, a Romance book available now from DCL Publications. The Book Blast Tour will take place on Wednesday, January 3, 2018. This tour will not include interviews or guest blogs; however, a blurb, excerpt and author bio will be provided to every host for inclusion on their blog. A PDF copy of the book is available for review.

Miriam will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

Born at a royal banquet for King Conor MacNessa of Ulster, Deirdre is predicted by Conor’s own druid to be blessed and cursed with a beauty that will make kingdoms contest over her. He names her “Deirdre of the Sorrows” and urges the king to slay her. But Conor, unwilling to murder a babe, takes her under his protection only to fall prey to the curse when she is nearly grown. Captivated by her youth and beauty, the aging king will go to any extreme to possess her.

1: Stormy Nights Reviewing and Bloggin’
2: Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books!
3: Beyond Romance
4: BooksChatter
5: Christine Young
6: Dawn’s Reading Nook
7: Fabulous and Brunette
8: Hope. Dreams. Life… Love
9: It’s Raining Books
10: Kit ‘N Kabookle
11: Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
12: Let me tell you a story REVIEW
13: Linda Nightingale…Author
14: Liz’s Reading Life
15: Long and Short Reviews
16: Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang!
17: Natural Bri REVIEW
18: Queen of All She Reads
19: Rainy Day Reviews
20: Readeropolis
21: Regan Black
22: Sharing Links and Wisdom
23: Straight From the Library
24: T’s Stuff
25: The Avid Reader
26: Tina Donahue Books – Heat with Heart
27: Two Ends of the Pen
28: Up ‘Til Dawn Book Blog
29: Viviana MacKade
30: Wake Up Your Wild Side
31: Wendi zwaduk – romance to make your heart race 
32: Writers and Authors
33: Romance Novel Giveaways
34: Independent Authors
35: Welcome to My World of Dreams

New Release: Playing St. Nick

Blurb: Jasmine and Dylan don’t have a perfect life, but they have something pretty close. They are madly in love with each other, and they hope to start a family. In need of work, Dylan takes a job playing Santa Claus at a department store. Jasmine finds the idea humorous, until a centuries-old demon by the name of Nicholas Von Barron is unleashed from a forced hibernation and begins to destroy the city. Fabled as the original Santa Claus, Nicholas – who has a reputation for eating little children and turning people into ice – sets his sights on Jasmine and the unborn child in her womb.

Will Jasmine and Dylan live to see Christmas Day, or will they meet their ends at the icy hands of St. Nick?

Purchase on Amazon / Barnes and Noble 

New Release: Rescued from the Dungeon

New Release: Rescued from the Dungeon

Throughout dinner, Marina remained quiet. She served the men first and made sure they had two full glasses – one of water and the other of wine – at all times. She herself drank only water and ate lightly. She never liked going into a session with an overly full tummy. Once they’d finished, the men chatted amicably while she cleared the table. When everything was neat and tidy, she returned to the dining room and knelt between the men.
“Marina, what is it you want to propose?” Jason asked. She wouldn’t speak until he had given her permission. She was in full submind, a level just below subspace. Submind could be maintained for hours, days even. It happened when she let go of the needs, desires, and stresses of the outside world, allowing her mind to focus only on the needs, desires, and wishes of Jason, her dominant. The source wasn’t necessarily sexually motivated, but rather service motivated, unlike subspace, which was often achieved while sexually stimulated. In truth, subspace was rather like that delicious glow that often happens to vanilla couples after sex, but that glow was more like a nuclear explosion.
“Sir, I know how upset you’ve been since David shared his history. I wish to propose something that might, in some small way, appease your sense of fairness,” she began.
“That’s not necessary…” David began.
“No, she’s right,” Jason interrupted. “I agree with you that we need to leave hate and guilt and blame in the past. There’s no way I can ever make up for what my family did to yours, David, so there’s no point it trying. But, I can’t let go of this. The image of what your ancestors suffered at the hands of mine keeps running through my mind. I need to find a way to still those ghosts. What were you thinking, Marina?”

Love’s Captive:
“Let’s both return to England, Ashton.” She covered her mouth the second the words slipped past. Damning words, words that smacked at the very heart of who her husband was and would continue to be despite her fear. Her selfish request hung like a black cloud between them. “I’m sorry, Ashton, forgive me.”
He pulled her close to his body, to feel his strength and heat. “I love you, my Duchess. A day doesn’t pass where you aren’t in my thoughts. But, I must return. I know you understand this. I’m only sorry I can’t honor your request right now.”
Victoria smiled, tears slipped down her cheeks and she didn’t bother to hide them. What was the point? She hated this war, she hated this impending sense that something was going to go wrong.
“All will be well. I am to be moved back behind the lines. You know that. I’ll be away from the fighting this go around. I will have more leave in July, I’ll come back to England and everything will be as it should.”
They took a cab to the train station. Her train to Belgium wasn’t leaving for another hour or so, so she walked Ashton to his platform. The train was already in place and men in uniform swarmed the cars. Sweethearts embraced and whispered to each other. The cacophony of the station gave her a pounding headache.
“I love you.” Ashton rested his forehead against her own. “I promise I will be careful. I promise I’ll come back to you.”
“Shhh. Don’t make a promise you can’t keep.”
“No matter what happens to me, Tori, I’ll come back to you.”

Purchase on Amazon /Barnes and Noble

New Release: Love Me Forever by Kate Hofman

51v5ca9p44lLove Me Forever by Kate Hofman

Purchase on Amazon / ARE / Barnes and Noble 

Blurb: Lydia Hawthorne is a serious novelist, much to the disappointment of her mother. While laying the groundwork for her new book, her cousin Edward introduces her to Armando Monteverdi, a very handsome police lieutenant. As they are getting to know one another, he begins investigating the murder of her godmother.

As their table was being tidied so that the dessert could be served, a tall, very handsome man entered the dining room and walked in their direction, glancing at the diners. Noticing him, Edward quickly stood to his feet and waved him over.
“Come and have dessert and coffee with us, Armando,” he invited quietly. Rick hastened to bring a chair, which he placed in the space beside Lydia. Edward nodded, pleased.
Edward then turned and said to the women, “This is my friend, Armando Monteverdi.” He gestured to Lydia, then to Mary. “My cousin Lydia Hawthorne and her friend Mary Westwood.” As the women held out their hands to shake Armando’s, Edward explained to them, “When we needed to add a member to the remaining founding members to help maintain our usual number, we unanimously elected Armando.”
Armando lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. With a charming smile he said, “They only invited me because I’m a Police Lieutenant, and this way they can be sure of very prompt attention to any misbehaving member or guest!”