Novella Series
Word Count: 20000-40000
GENRE – Fantasy Romance, Historical Romance, Historical Fantasy Romance, Futuristic Fantasy Romance, Modern Romance, Modern Fantasy Romance
HEAT LEVEL: Fade to Black, PG to PG-13 language. While these stories will be written for adults, we want them to be enjoyed by a large population of those adults, which means finding the heat in romance while still maintaining restraint in description and modesty in language.
PREMISE: The concept begins with the series’ name, ‘King for a Day.’ The author will write an original novella following the listed romance categories which will feature a handsome lead male who is in some way anointed King for a Day under some circumstance. It can be a ruling King. It can be a celebratory King. It can be a bet that has been won and collected. There are many possibilities with brilliant paths to a solid ‘King for a Day’ romance. The story must also feature a story-appropriate lovely and relatable female lead for the romance to blossom. Their romance must feel organic. You may follow either the male or the female’s point of view in your story, or you may follow their different point of views in different chapters, but each chapter must focus on only one point of view. No head-hopping please.
The story submissions must have a complete beginning, middle, and end with a Happily Ever After or a Happy for Now ending. While DCL Publications will provide an editor for accepted stories, we will not ‘rewrite’ submissions. Please make sure your submitted document is clean and is as without errors and complete as possible. Submissions must be sent as a WORD document. PDFs will not be accepted. Covers will be designed for each book following a specific cover format and will be designed by DCL Publications. Authors with accepted submissions must provide a description of their male lead (physical appearance and some character aspects) as well as the type of King designated in the story. Royal King… King of the Campus… Viking King… and the period of time or history in which they will reign for a day.
This is not a single-book anthology / collection of stories. Each story will be published under the series title individually in electronic format on our list of eBook distributors. You must provide a title for your manuscript to accompany the series title. For instance: King for a Day: King So-And-So Takes The Throne. Anything that accurately gives the reader a catchy idea as to what the story is going to be about. This is an ON-GOING Call for Submissions. Accepted manuscripts will be released within 30 days of edit and cover design completion. Previously published works will not be accepted. DCL Publications requires a three-year contract on all accepted manuscripts, licensing those manuscripts exclusively to our catalogue for three years. Contracted manuscripts may not be published through other publishers or self-published during the length of the contract. Authors will receive royalty payments based on gross sales figures for their published submissions following the end of each fiscal quarter. The more you promote your book and the more copies that sell, the more your royalties will be. Further details are included in the authors’ contracts.
Interested? Go to our submissions page.