DCL Blog Tour with the most Popular Dark Lord Billy Freda


1) What is your favorite Kate Hofman romance cover you have been on and why?

My love Forever….because it’s just an awesome looking cover!! 🙂


2) When did you first know you wanted to become an actor? 

The first time a girl asked me if she looked fat in that dress! LOL


3) What role would you love to play that you haven’t yet? 

Series Regular on a Sitcom


4) Why do you think so many aspiring actors end up giving up on their dream? 

Because the odds of sustaining yourself in this profession are staggering!  Most simply can’t do it unfortunately 🙁


 5)  What are you auditioning for next? 

Tomorrow I’m auditioning for the role of a patient for an ongoing live project, but I can’t really give anymore details about that at the moment.


6) Is there any charities that you support that are close to your heart?

  • The ROOTS Band’s GrassROOTS foundation & Catholic Charities


7) Where can fans keep up to date with what your doing?

Facebook or my website, but my website is under reconstruction at the moment.

DCL’s author, Denise Alicea wins Silver medal for Consoling Angel!



2013 Best in Category & Best in Paranormal Short Stories – Wise Bear  Digital Book Awards

PG – English -Short Story – YA /Time Travel/Romance!

Book Blurb-

Mira did not know what she had in store the day she fell asleep while wanting to escape her current situation. Overcoming a death from someone so close and burying herself in school and an internship has kept her somewhat awake and alive. An admiration for the actor, James Dean was all that kept the memory of her father alive. If she couldn’t be with her father, she could at least remember what they shared an admiration for together. She always wanted to meet James Dean
 she didn’t know it would come true. Be careful what you wish for. It may just come true.

Praise for Consoling Angel

“The author is a good storyteller with strong evocative writing skills. Consoling Angel is a touching story built around a solid concept.” Wise Bear Digital Media

“More fable than mystery, readers will find here a charming story that is perfect for anyone going through loss. ” Melissa Felton 
“It is sweet and nostalgic and offers wonderful feelings of hope and love. ” N22v
“He is weaved into the story in such a way that it is not only believable, but works well for this plot and its characters. ” Selena Robins


“It’s been a long time since I’ve read a sweet romance, and this short was just the ticket to start me off in a new reading direction. In a day when everything “has” to be hot and hotter, when we’re seeing menages with 12 men and one woman, it was a refreshing blast of fresh air to see one young woman fall in love with one young man and make an homage to the past in doing so. Mira’s living a devastated present in 2008, even though she might put on a brave face. But memories of her father’s favorite movie take her into a past life of sorts, where she meets and falls for a young man named James. James Dean”. Camryn Rhys