Chloe and the Beast 6 x 9

1. What does your writing process look like?

UGH, I don’t have a process! LOL! At least not one that is remotely organized or makes sense. My characters have to talk to me first before I can start to write them…AND the first scene has to come to me. I know how it starts, I know that big issue in the middle and I have the ending sorted. I then write scenes and quilt them together to form the whole. 🙂

2. Do you have any strange writing habits (like standing on your head or writing in the shower)?

Yes, but not like that! LOL. I have to have either Supernatural, or Bones playing in the background and I have to have bubblegum on hand for chewing. Keeps me busy and focused. And I write like a crazy person normally able to produce 5k a day at least.

3. What book do you wish you could have written?

Oh, good question! I wish I could be super creative and twisty to write like the writers on Criminal Minds. As for authors, I envy Kresely Cole and Sherrilyn Kenyon…both super creative ladies with an amazing world to play and create in!

4. Just as your books inspire authors, what authors have inspired you to write?

Hands down, Heather Graham! She was the first historic romance author I read and she amazed me. She was really the one author that made me think I wanted to do this.

5. If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?

Hmmm, well for my book Gabrielle, I’d love Colin Farrell as Devlin and Keira Knightly to play the role of Gabrielle.

6. How important are names to you in your books? Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds or the meaning? Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?

Names are very important to me. I try to pick the name based on the time period (I write multi-genre/era books) and location. So if I set a book in Scotland, I try to pull good Scottish names.

7. What do you consider to be your best accomplishment?

Aside from the writing which is always a huge accomplishment. I’d have to say my best accomplishment was raising two very amazing little boys to equally amazing young men who are serving in the in the military. One in the Marines, one in the Navy. Couldn’t be prouder…Â