New Release: Kings and Queens: Anthology from The Dark Castle Lords

Amazon / Barnes and Noble


“As I Follow”
Princess Orla must first learn to follow if she is to lead her homeland once her evil step mother is dethroned. Who better to teach her than Prince Darcy, the leader of the rebellion against Queen Ena and a strict but fair Dominant who would love nothing better than to take the beautiful Orla in hand and return the kingdom of Athas to its former glory.


The Man With the Kind Eyes:
Bridgette Mahoney just wanted a better life for herself and the people suffering under a corrupt president. What she gets is nominated to be Queen of the country whether she wants the position or not.

New Release: Teaching To Love by Anarie Brady

Teaching To Love by Anarie Brady
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Carrie’s goal is to memorialize her grandmother and her home with a new business venture…a tea house and museum. When some old family friends drop in, she learns more about her great grandmother’s um…adventures…such as when a local Sheriff threatened to shut down the brothel. What was her grandmother to do? Take control, of course!

Excerpt: Since arriving in town a month ago, Betsy had learned much about her new home. On the surface, Mt. Carmel appeared to be a sleepy river town filled with church going folk, kindly neighbors, and law abiding citizens. Beneath that quaint veneer, however, lay a secret society filled with speakeasies, jazz music, and fast dancing. Between the Great War and the influenza epidemic during the previous decade, the still recovering town desperately wanted an infusion of life and carefree fun. Betsy also noticed quite a few middle aged single men along with injured veterans in need of female companionship. Sadly, most of the young ladies were too spoiled to settle for “damaged goods.”
Sighing, she thought of Sheriff Brighton. Uncle Liberty had told her all about the man’s sad history. Apparently, he married his brother’s widow, his brother having been killed in the first year of the War. The couple had produced one child, a son, a year after they had wed. Despite this, it was said that Mrs. Brighton had deeply loved her first husband and had never stopped mourning for him. Between the pain of his loss and the difficult birth of her only child, Mrs. Brighton had lost her mind, confined herself to her room and refused the good Sheriff entry. She also disdained the company of her child, leaving the sheriff alone to raise the boy with only the help of a housekeeper.

Purchase on Amazon & Barnes and Noble  & All Romance 

Writing Workshops : Uncliche Your Romance & Crafting Compelling Characters and Realistic Settings


May 1-31 2016


Your first draft is probably littered with clichés. Your hero has a heart of gold. Your heroine has the patience of Job with the hero. He saves her in the nick of time from the terrible, horrible, evil serial killer villain. Clichés are more than just dead-beat words and phrases that have lost their original meaning and their cleverness in making comparisons. Genre fiction has clichés in characters and plots that most readers expect and some complain about. How can a writer please all readers?


This workshop isn’t about shredding that draft and starting over. MM Pollard will give you lots of ways to create fresh characters and plots from those clichés often found in genre fiction.


INSTRUCTOR BIO: MM Pollard puts her training as a certified copy editor, her skills as English teacher extraordinaire, and her experience as editor with Black Velvet Seductions to good use in presenting workshops for writers. She has helped many writers improve their language and writing skills through her fun workshops sponsored by Savvy Authors,Writer U, many RWA chapters, and in her virtual classroom. MM is sure she can help you, too, master the fundamentals of English composition.


MM presented her first face-to-face workshop during the Florida Romance Writers’ Conference Cruise in February, 2015, and lived to show pictures! She would love to present at more conferences in the future as well as continue her online workshops.






May 16-27, 2016

As a writer of historical fiction, you will find yourself needing to create settings that do not typically still exist—unless you’ve discovered time travel, that is! How do recreate a pirate ship, a Regency ballroom, a medieval battle, a bedchamber, a kitchen, a wardrobe, a feast, a tournament, a walk in the park, a ride through the woods—you get the point. There is setting in EVERY SINGLE scene we write—even if its pitch black. How can you craft a realistic setting that works for your book and stays true to history? How can you create settings that come alive in the readers’ minds?


This class will teach you:

·         The ins and outs of conducting research in order to create settings that are compelling and realistic.

·         How to open your mind and imagination and use everyday places you visit now.

·         How to write scenes with setting descriptions that flow easily on the page.

·         How much is too much, or too little.


Combined with each lesson, there will be an assignment and an opportunity for you to submit a short setting excerpt from your manuscript for critique. 


PRESENTER BIO: Eliza Knight is an award-winning and USA Today bestselling author of historical romance. Under the name E. Knight she pens riveting Tudor and ancient historical fiction. She operates the historical blog, History Undressed. In 2013, she was named RWA’s PRO Mentor of the Year. Eliza lives in Maryland with her own hero, three princesses and one very naughty puppy.


New Release: Learning To Love : Book 2 Mrs. Winter’s Brothel Series


Purchase on Amazon/Barnes and Noble/All Romance 

Blurb: Carrie Benson is recovering from her great grandmother’s death with the help of Stephen Benson and her friends. Stephen was her great grandmother’s nurse at the nursing home. Carrie is drawn to his good nature, compassion, not to mention drop dead good looks. The kind of relationship Stephen wants is one she never experienced. Can she overcome her reservations and possibly find love?